About me

Hello! I am a Fullstack Web Developer, I have developed skills and extensive experience in building attractive and functional web solutions with more than 3 years experience. With expertise in programming languages such as PHP, Python, Java ,HTML, CSS, JavaScript, as well as the use of frameworks such as Laravel, Lumen, Flask, Fast API, I have created intuitive and responsive web applications. I also have expertise in designing and managing databases using technologies such as MySQL, PostgreSQL. My portfolio spans a wide range of projects, from sophisticated e-commerce websites with payment features and third-party integrations, to interactive web applications that use APIs to retrieve data in real-time. I enjoy working in a collaborative team and always strive to provide the best and innovative solutions for clients and end users. With strong experience in web development, I am ready for new challenges and contribute to creating engaging and impactful web experiences for users.

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    Web design

    The most modern and high-quality design made at a professional level.

  • Web development icon

    Web development

    High-quality development of sites at the professional level.

  • mobile app icon

    Rest API

    Professional development of applications for iOS and Android.

  • Gamepad


    i like to play multi user games!.




  1. State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

    2019 — Present

    majored in Informatics Engineering.

  2. Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Ciamis

    2016 — 2019

    studying science majors

  3. Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Cijeungjing

    2013 — 2016


  1. Fullstack Web Developer - PT Naturalva Herba Indonesia

    2023 - Present

    I am a Full Stack Developer with experience in web application development using Laravel, CodeIgniter and other related technologies. Some of the projects I have worked on include developing a sales data collection system for the CSOSRM division using CodeIgniter, a centralized marketplace data application, developing a main dashboard application to display all sales data for each division using Laravel, integrating third party APIs for e-commerce platforms. I also have experience in infrastructure management using a DevOps approach.

  2. Fullstack Web Developer - Web Profile Informatics Engineering


    While involved in the Informatics Engineering Web Profile project at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, I have had extraordinary experiences. In this project, I contributed to the development of a website featuring information about our course, faculty, and teaching staff. I am involved in designing layouts, implementing interactive features, and optimizing website performance. During this process, I learned a lot about web development, teamwork and effective communication with other team members. This experience has enhanced my understanding of informatics engineering and given me the confidence to face future web development challenges.

  3. Frontend Developer - Tamam


    While participating in Tamam's Web Game project, I have had an interesting and satisfying adventure. From the planning phase to implementation, I was involved in every stage of the game's development. I work alongside a talented and dedicated team, who helped me learn a lot about game design, coding and project management. On this journey, I faced challenges that fueled my creative and problem-solving abilities. With solid teamwork, we have succeeded in creating an interesting and entertaining game, and seeing the positive response from users is the biggest reward for our hard work. This experience has broadened my horizons and skills in the field of web game development, and I look forward to being involved in similar projects in the future.

  4. Backend Developer - Digitiket.com


    While involved in the Digitiket e-commerce Restful API project, I have had a great experience. In this project, I'm responsible for designing and developing an API that enables seamless interaction between e-commerce applications and backend systems. I collaborate with a dedicated and experienced team, and work with various technologies and frameworks such as Lumen, and MySQL. I was involved in implementing key features such as user management, scheduling and ticket management, and payment integration. During this process, I successfully faced technical challenges and gained a deeper understanding of API architecture and good development practices. This experience has enhanced my skills in Restful API development and provided a solid foundation for the development of reliable and efficient e-commerce systems in the future.

  5. Web Developer - Dinas Ketenaga Kerjaan Ciamis


    Selama terlibat dalam proyek pengembangan website Dinas Ketenagakerjaan Ciamis, saya memiliki pengalaman yang luar biasa. Dalam perjalanan ini, saya mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bekerja dengan tim yang berdedikasi dan profesional, yang membantu saya memperluas pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam bidang pengembangan web. Saya terlibat dalam merancang tata letak yang intuitif dan responsif, mengimplementasikan fitur-fitur yang diperlukan, serta melakukan uji coba dan pemeliharaan untuk memastikan kualitas dan kinerja yang optimal. Selama proses ini, saya juga belajar beradaptasi dengan perubahan dan tantangan yang muncul, serta bekerja sama dengan pihak Dinas Ketenagakerjaan Ciamis untuk memastikan website memenuhi kebutuhan dan harapan mereka. Secara keseluruhan, pengalaman saya di proyek ini telah memperkaya pemahaman saya tentang pengembangan web dan memberi saya kepuasan yang besar karena telah berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan akses informasi dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat terkait ketenagakerjaan.

My skills

  • PHP
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Laravel
  • Lumen
  • CodeIgniter
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL



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